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Foreign Investment Information Reporting Measures(外商投资信息报告办法)

发布日期:2021-05-19 11:28:23


第一章 总则

Chapter I General provisions

第一条 为进一步扩大对外开放,提升外商投资促进、保护和管理水平,完善外商投资政策措施,改善营商环境,根据《中华人民共和国外商投资法》及《中华人民共和国外商投资法实施条例》,制定本办法。

Article 1 These measures are formulated in accordance with the "Foreign Investment Law of the People's Republic of China" and the "Regulations for the Implementation of the Foreign Investment Law of the People's Republic of China" for the purpose of further opening up to the outside world, improving the level of promotion, protection and management of foreign investment, improving the policies and measures on foreign investment and improving the business environment.

第二条 外国投资者直接或者间接在中国境内进行投资活动,应由外国投资者或者外商投资企业根据本办法向商务主管部门报送投资信息。

Article 2 When foreign investors carry out investment activities in China directly or indirectly, foreign investors or foreign-invested enterprises shall report investment information to the competent commercial authorities in accordance with these measures.

第三条 商务部负责统筹和指导全国范围内外商投资信息报告工作。


Article 3 The Ministry of Commerce is responsible for coordinating and guiding the reporting of foreign investment information nationwide.

The competent commercial authorities of the local People’s government at or above the country level, as well as the relevant authority of the Pilot Free Trade Zone and the National Economic and Technological Development Zone, are responsible for the reporting of foreign investment information in the region.

第四条 外国投资者或者外商投资企业应当通过企业登记系统以及国家企业信用信息公示系统向商务主管部门报送投资信息。



Article 4 Foreign investors and foreign-invested enterprises shall report investment information to the competent commercial authorities through the Enterprises Registration System and State Enterprise Credit Information Publicity System.

The market supervision authorities shall promptly forward the above-mentioned investment information reported by foreign investors and foreign-invested enterprises to the competent commercial authorities.

The Ministry of Commerce shall establish a foreign investment reporting system to receive and process the investment information forwarded from market supervision authorities and information shared by other departments.

第五条 市场监管总局统筹指导全国企业登记系统、国家企业信用信息公示系统建设,保障外商投资信息报告的实施。

Article 5 The State Administration for Market Supervision provides overall guidance for the creation of the National Enterprise Registration System, the State Enterprise Credit Information Publicity System, to ensure the implementation of the foreign investment information reporting.

第六条 各级商务主管部门和市场监管部门应当做好工作衔接。商务主管部门应当为外国投资者和外商投资企业报送投资信息提供专门指导。

Article 6 The competent commercial authorities at all levels and market supervision authorities at all levels shall handle the connection and bridging work. The competent commercial authorities shall provide special guidance of the reporting of foreign investment information for foreign investors and foreign-invested enterprises.

第七条 外国投资者或者外商投资企业应当及时报送投资信息,遵循真实、准确、完整原则,不得进行虚假或误导性报告,不得有重大遗漏.

Foreign Investors and foreign-invested enterprises shall report investment information timely based on the principles of truthfulness, accuracy and completeness, shall not make false or misleading reports, and shall not have major omissions in the report.

第二章 报告主体、内容与方式

Chapter II Reporting Entities, Contents and Methods

第八条 外国投资者或者外商投资企业应当按照本办法规定通过提交初始报告、变更报告、注销报告、年度报告等方式报送投资信息。

Article 8 Foreign investors and foreign-invested enterprises shall report investment information by submitting initial report, amendment report, cancellation report and annual report etc.

第九条 外国投资者在中国境内设立外商投资企业,应于办理外商投资企业设立登记时通过企业登记系统提交初始报告。


Article 9 When a foreign investor establishes a foreign-invested enterprise in China, it shall submit an initial report through the enterprise registration system when registering for the establishment of a foreign-invested enterprise.

A foreign investor merger and acquire the stock ownership of a non-foreign-invested enterprise shall submit an initial report through the enterprise registration system when handling the registration changes of the merged enterprise.

第十条 外国投资者提交初始报告,应当报送企业基本信息、投资者及其实际控制人信息、投资交易信息等信息。

Article 10 When submitting an initial report, a foreign investor shall submit basic information about the enterprise, information about the investor and its actual controller, and investment transaction information etc.

第十一条 初始报告的信息发生变更,涉及企业变更登记(备案)的,外商投资企业应于办理企业变更登记(备案)时通过企业登记系统提交变更报告。



Article 11 Where the information in the initial report is amended and involves the amendment registration (filing) of the enterprise, the foreign-invested enterprise shall submit a report of the amendment through the enterprise registration system when the amendment registration (filing) of the enterprise is handled.

Where the amendment registration (filing) is not involved, the foreign-invested enterprise shall submit the amendment report through the enterprises registration system within 20 working days after the amendment occurs. If the enterprise makes a resolution on the amended items according to the articles of association, the date of the resolution is made shall be the date of the amendment; If laws and regulations have other requirements on the effective conditions of the amended items, the date when the corresponding requirements are met shall be the date of the amendment.

Listed foreign-invested enterprise and companies listed in the national medium and small – sized enterprises share transfer system may only report the information of investors and the changes of shares held by them only when the accumulative changes of foreign investors’ shareholding ratio exceed 5% or when it causes the change of foreign ownership relative ownership status.

第十二条 外商投资企业提交变更报告,应当报送企业基本信息、投资者及其实际控制人信息、投资交易信息等信息的变更情况。

Article 12 When a foreign-invested enterprise submits a amendment report, it shall report the change of the basic information of the enterprise, the information of the investors and their actual controllers, the information of investment transactions and other information.

第十三条 外商投资企业注销或者转为内资企业的,在办理企业注销登记或者企业变更登记后视同已提交注销报告,相关信息由市场监管部门推送至商务主管部门,外商投资企业无需另行报送。

Article 13 Where a foreign-invested enterprise is cancelled or converted to a domestic enterprise, it is deemed that a cancellation report has been submitted after the cancellation registration or the change registration of the enterprise is completed. The relevant information shall be sent to the competent commercial authorities by the market supervision department, and foreign-invested enterprise does not need to submit it again.

第十四条 外商投资企业应于每年1月1日至6月30日通过国家企业信用信息公示系统提交上一年度的年度报告。


Article 14 Foreign-invested enterprise shall submit the annual report of previous year through the State Enterprise Credit Information Publicity System from January 1 to June 30 every year.

The foreign-invested enterprise established in the current year shall submit the annual report from the next year. 

第十五条 外商投资企业提交年度报告,应当报送企业基本信息、投资者及其实际控制人信息、企业经营和资产负债等信息,涉及外商投资准入特别管理措施的,还应当报送获得相关行业许可信息。

Article 15 When a foreign-invested enterprise submits its annual report, it shall submit the basic information of the enterprise, the information of investors and their actual controller, the information of the operations, assets and liabilities, etc., where special administrative measures for foreign investment access are involved, the information of obtained relevant industry licenses shall also be submitted. 

第十六条 初始报告、变更报告和年度报告等的具体内容,按照确有必要原则,结合外商投资实际情况和企业登记注册、企业信息公示的有关规定确定,由商务部以公告形式对外发布。

Article 16 The contents of the initial report, the amendments to the initial report and the annual report shall be determined in accordance with the principle of necessity, the actual situation of foreign investment and the relevant provisions of enterprises registration and information publicity and shall be published by the Ministry of Commerce in the form of an announcement.

第三章 信息共享、公示与更正

Chapter III Information sharing, publicity and correction

第十七条 商务主管部门与有关部门应当根据信息报告工作需要建立外商投资信息共享机制。


Article 17 The competent commercial authorities and relevant departments shall establish an information sharing mechanism for foreign investment according to the needs of information reporting.

Except as otherwise provided by laws and administrative regulations, the information of foreign investment obtained by the relevant departments during performing their duties shall be shared with the competent commercial authorities timely.
